Wednesday, September 28, 2011

1987 January/February issue Part 3

God's Help for God's Assignment
Sometimes a task we have begun takes on seemingly crushing size, and we wonder what ever gave us the notion that we could accomplish it. There is no way out, no way around it, and yet we cannot contemplate actually carrying it through. The rearing of children or the writing of a book are illustrations that come to mind. Let us recall that the task is a divinely appointed one, and divine aid is therefore to be expected. Expect it! Ask for it, wait for it, believe that God gives it. Offer to Him the job itself, along with your fears and misgivings about it. He will not fail or be discouraged. Let his courage encourage you. The day will come when the task will be finished. Trust Him for it.
"For the Lord God will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded, therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed" (Is 50:7 AVE.)

Readers Write"Your book A Lamp for My Feet was a big instrument in encouraging my husband this past three weeks or so. Our one and only daughter was married on Saturday, and he was very concerned over walking her down the long aisle (thirty-five seconds, actually, from start to finish, and then of greeting guests of whom he was sure he would forget the names. It was becoming a high anxiety day instead of a joy. He has been reading your book in the mornings, but stopped about two weeks ago on page 67, "God's Help for God's Assignment," and there he stayed. He reread it every day, to remind himself
of the truth in it. And not only was he not confounded or ashamed, but he had one of the happiest days of his life! Lives were touched through the ceremony and all the prayer that surrounded it. It was a 'Victory Day' in every way for us and our God."

1 comment:

  1. great encouragement...:)in HIM only we can accomplish even the small tasks of daily life!
    How uncapable we are! It surprises me daily :/...nevertheless it is a great privilege to realise that even for these tasks we count on HIS grace mercy!
    Thanks for the posts!!


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