Virginity part 3
“How can a Christian single woman enter into the mystery of
Christ and the church if she never experiences marriage?” is the question of a
very thoughtful young woman.
The gift of virginity, given to everyone to offer back to
God for His use, is a priceless and irreplaceable gift. It can be offered in
the pure sacrifice of marriage, or it can be offered in the sacrifice of life’s
celibacy. Does this sound just too, too high and holy? But think for a moment-
because the virgin has never known a man, she is free to concern herself wholly
with the Lord’s affairs, as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7, “and her aim in life
is to make herself holy, in body and spirit.” She keeps her heart as the Bride
of Christ in a very special sense, and offers to the Heavenly Bridegroom alone
all that she is and has. When she gives herself willingly to Him in love she
has no need to justify herself to the world or to Christians who plague her
with questions and suggestions. In a way not open to the married woman her
daily “living sacrifices” is a powerful and humble witness, radiating love. I believe
she may enter into the “mystery” more deeply than the rest of us.
“How can she enter into the mystery of the Father loving his
children if she never has children?” But she can have children! She may be a spiritual mother, as was Amy
Carmichael, by the offering of her singleness, transformed for the good of far
more children than a natural mother may produce. All is received and made holy
by the One to whom it is offered.
There I’ve taken nearly the whole Newsletter for this
subject, but my correspondence files tell me it is a pressing subject indeed,
and I do long to help in any way I can those who find no help or comfort or
support whatsoever from the world, and, alas, precious little sometimes from
the Church itself.
“If you have been of the world,” said our Saviour, “the
world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I have
chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you” (John 15:19). Remember
this too- “The world and all its passionate desires will one day disappear ,
but the one who is following the will of God is part of the Permanent and
cannot die” (1 John 2:17).
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