Sunday, December 5, 2010

1982 Premier Issue Part 2


A writer in the New Yorker some months ago analyzed television as "the context of non-context." Think about that one. The only context in which the words are coming at us from the tube is our living room or kitchen, which has nothing whatever to do with the speaker. The speakers backdrop is usually a TV studio, which we know is a mock up. So we are excused from evaluating what is said in terms of context. There is none.
In what context does a Christian live, move, act, think, decide? It must be the context of God's kingdom. We live either in that kingdom or we live in the world, taking out cues from the bible or from the media, setting our goals according what is going to matter forever or according to the quotation of the day.
Think in the context of the kingdom of God, about this recent incident in a public school classroom: The teacher asked the child what his mother did. There was only one child whose mother did not work outside the home.

Teacher: Oh, so what does your mother do?
Child: She-um, well you know, she does, um, stuff around the house.
Teacher: You mean she cooks and cleans? She irons clothes, makes beds?
Child: Yes
Teacher: So you could say, then, that you have a traditional mother, is that right? 
Child: Yes
Teacher: (with a long, searching look) And do you like that?

Consider the context from which the teacher's questions come from. It is not one which recognizes any divine design for the home, any glory in service, any joyful willingness to do humble work without thought of gain or appreciation. Consider the pressure put on a little child to question the only context his life has had, the context which has still now meant security, normalcy and happiness for him. He will be wondering if his mother is some sort of an oddity, his home not an ordinary one.
It is not for nothing that the classic page of the warfare of the Christian immediately follows Paul's specific instructions on human relationships: wives, submit; husbands, love; fathers do not goad your children to resentment. These are the areas of most vicious and relentless attack. The Christian home is a stronghold, and the enemy will never let up his attempts to undermine it or breach it's sanctity.
"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God...." Ephesians 6:12-13.
Prayer is a powerful weapon. It is an indispensable weapon. It takes practice to wield it. It takes courage and time and spiritual energy.

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