Monday, February 21, 2011

1984 July/August issue Part 5

A New Grandchild

In the March/April Newsletter I asked for
prayer for Valerie, for a safe delivery and a
healthy child. Both requests were granted, as well
as another: older brother Walter, who is seven,
had been asking the Lord for a brother if that was
all right with Him (two sisters were enough for a
while. James Elliot Shepard was born on April 18
in Laurel, Mississippi, weighing nine pounds ten,
ounces. Elisabeth, who is nearly five, said "Yip-
pee!" I don't know what Christiana said. She is
two, and has a way of filling in the blanks
between the words she can say with "hm-hm" as
in, "Mama, Lolly hm-hm my teddy-bear." (Lolly
seems to be the best she can do to say Elisabeth. Nobody knows where she got that.)
For little James (I think he'll be Jimmy as was
his grandfather until he reached high school) I
pray the prayer of Jacob for his son Joseph, "By the
power of the Strong One of Jacob, by the name of
the Shepherd of Israel, by the God of your father-
so may he help you, by God Almighty-so may he
bless you with the blessings of heaven above."
(Gn 49:24,25)

"The Newsletter has more solid content per word than any other subscription publication we receive. I hope it will not be discontinued." (from a reader in Maryland).
The mother of a baby who may have Down's
Syndrome writes: "We will receive the results of
her chromosome study on Thursday at 10 A.M.
Should God bring your minds to our need, please
pray for us to respond in faith, not bitterness.
Nothing will change that day. God will reveal the
reality of His limits, but our destiny will remain
the same: to be like Him. ]. Peter 1:23 says,'For we
are not just mortals but sons of God; the live,
permanent Word of our living God has given us
His own indestructible heredity.' We love Him
and are committed to receive what He has for us.
We have so much to be grateful for to Him!"

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