Tuesday, February 22, 2011

1984 July/August issue Part 6

Recommended Reading

Herbert Schlossberg: Idols for Destruction,
Thomas Nelson. A stunning treatment of the
ways in which idolatry corrupts the modern
Christian's thinking. Secularization connotes a
turning away from Christian faith, but Scholoss-
berg clearly shows what it is that we turn to as
substitutes for God: nature, mankind, power,
history, social or political systems. In his chapter,
"Idols of Humanity," he writes: "In its refusal to
acknowledge will and responsibility in those over
whom it establishes its protection, humanitar-
ianism could be speaking of cocker spaniels or Chevrolets rather than people.
"This view of humanity is a twisted and
deformed travesty. It is ironic that for human-
itarians only poor people, minorities, and those
who have run afoul of the law are assumed to be
shaped by the iron grip of circumstance. If we
look at the villains-the police, politicians, social
workers, businessmen-instead of at the victims,
we find that the humanitarians have given them
free will. They do not speak about the industrial-
ist's tyrannical father, the loan shark's miserable
childhood in an orphan home, the politician's
neurotic mother. Those people are responsible for
their acts, and therefore are human. Humanism
thus awards its enemies the status of human
beings while taking that status from its wards."


  1. Hey need help undertanding these quotations, anyone ??

  2. yes, most definitely do!


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